Choosing the Right Dental Bur for Each Clinical Procedure

Dec 05, 2023Mr. Bur

Mr Bur Dental Burs

Selecting the most appropriate bur is critical for safely and effectively removing dental hard tissues. Choosing the correct type of bur also increases ergonomics for the dentist and reduces discomfort for the patient.

Choosing the Correct Type of Bur for Specific Clinical

Removing a Dental Crown.

A diamond crown cutting bur is most effective when cutting through porcelain. After removing the porcelain, it’s easiest to remove the metal substructure using a tungsten carbide bur. The tooth structure underneath can be prepared with atapered-fissure bur.

Removing an Amalgam
Tungsten carbide bur is the most efficient and fastest way to remove an existing amalgam. Pear-shaped burs and fine crosscut burs are both good burs to select.

Removing Dental Caries
Dental caries are removed using a round tungsten carbide bur at a slow speed. Using a round tungsten carbide bur at a slower speed removes only a minimal amount of dental hard tissue while more effectively removing the softer areas of decay. Where cavities are deeper, it reduces the risk of pulpal exposure. Dentist may use tungsten carbide peach burs. Once all signs of caries are removed, a finer and smoother diamond or carbide bur can complete the preparation before restoration.

Preparing for Dental Porcelain
Preparing for Dental Porcelain need a 90° exit angle but require a rounded internal angle. A round end taper diamond burprovides a flat 90° exit angle and a rounded internal angle. When using any bur, it is possible to create a reverse margin inadvertently if the depth cut of the bur exceeds the diameter width at the tip. Dentist often won’t notice this problem until a model is poured. One solution is to use an end-cutting bur or to choose a bur size that matches the desired depth of the preparation.

Finishing Preparations

Finishing burs are made from tungsten carbide and have flutes that are closer together and shallower compared with operative burs. Tungsten carbide or diamond finishing burs remove excess composite and smooth the restoration before polishing. They create an optimal smoothness, reducing the potential for biofilm development on the restoration surface.

Interproximal Reductions
These specialized dental bur are adaptable and provide exact enamel reduction. They are often used when more extensive enamel removal is required, making them appropriate for cases involving moderate to severe crowding or spacing from 0.3mm to 0.5mm. IPR burs provide efficient and controlled enamel removal, but they may necessitate additional expertise and experience to operate effectively. MR.BUR IPR bur was highly demand and sold more than 1 million pieces so far due to its 1 slice precise work done on patients.

At Mr Bur Canada, we are committed to constantly improving on products through innovative technology to enable our customers in achieve their goals by pinpoint accuracy and perform minimally invasive procedures.

Diamond BursCarbide BursSurgical & Lab Use BursEndodontic bursIPR KitCrown Cutting KitGingivectomy KitRoot Planning KitComposite PolishersHigh Speed BursLow Speed Burs 

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