Sản phẩm

Mr. Bur's 5pcs Spiral Cool Cut Taper Flat End Super Coarse Diamond Bur FG is perfect for prosthodontics, crown preparation, and crowns & bridges.
This is the Mr. Bur Spiral Cool Cut Super Coarse Taper Flat End FG Diamond Bur, an essential tool for crown and bridge work, crown preparation, and sterilizable for repeated use
Vương miện và cầu Chuẩn bị vương miện Có thể tiệt trùng
Mr. Bur's 5pcs Spiral Cool Cut Taper Round End Super Coarse Diamond Bur FG is ideal for prophylaxis, fillings, crown cutting and prep, cavity and veneer prep, and chamfer margins.
This is the Mr. Bur Spiral Cool Cut Super Coarse Taper Round End FG Diamond Bur, expertly designed for crown and bridge work, crown preparation, veneer preparation, and sterilizable for multiple uses.
Vương miện và cầu Chuẩn bị vương miện Chuẩn bị Veneer Có thể tiệt trùng
Mr. Bur 5 pcs Contra Angle Cylinder Flat End Diamond Bur RA: anterior/posterior teeth, caries removal, cavity prep, endo access, composite fillings, decay/debris removal, pediatric use, trimming and preparation.
Mr. Bur R835/009 Contra Angle Cylinder Flat End Diamond Bur RA are tools used in multiple dental procedures, ideal for shaping, preparing teeth for restorations, crown placements, bulk material removal, cavity and crown preparation. Suitable for anterior and posterior teeth, caries removal, endo access, filling with composite, removing decay and debris, pediatric use, trimming, and preparation.
Chuẩn bị vương miện Có thể tiệt trùng
Mr. Bur's 5 pcs Spiral Cool Cut Super Coarse Cylinder Flat End Diamond Bur FG is perfect for prosthodontics, fillings, crown cutting, cavity prep, and old filling removal.
This is the Mr Bur Spiral Cool Cut Super Coarse Cylinder Flat End FG Diamond Bur from Mr Bur, the top international supplier of dental burs, ideal for cavity preparation, crown preparation, removal of old fillings, working on fillings, and fully sterilizable for extended use.
Chuẩn bị khoang Chuẩn bị vương miện Loại bỏ miếng trám cũ Có thể tiệt trùng Làm việc trên phần nhân Có thể tiệt trùng
Best Mr Bur Diamond IPR Strips, double-sided with non-serrated edge, designed for precise interproximal enamel reduction and controlled space creation in orthodontics.
Mr Bur Diamond IPR Strips, double-sided with non-serrated edge, designed for precise interproximal enamel reduction and controlled space creation in orthodontics better than Komet Diamond Strips.
Có thể tiệt trùng Giảm liên tiếp
Best Mr Bur Diamond IPR Strips, double-sided with serrated edge, designed for precise interproximal enamel reduction and controlled space creation in orthodontics.
Mr Bur Diamond IPR Strips, double-sided with serrated edge, designed for precise interproximal enamel reduction and controlled space creation in orthodontics better than Komet Diamond Strips.
Có thể tiệt trùng Giảm liên tiếp
This is the Dura Stone Course ( Zicronia and Porcelain Polisher ) dental bur sold by mr bur the best dental bur supplier
These are 4 Dura Stone Course ( Zicronia and Porcelain Polisher ) dental bur sold by mr bur the best dental bur supplier
Phòng thí nghiệm Có thể tiệt trùng
This is the Dura Stone Fine ( Zicronia and Porcelain Polisher ) dental bur sold by mr Bur the best detnal bur supplier
These are 4 Dura Stone Fine ( Zicronia and Porcelain Polisher ) dental burs sold by mr Bur the best detnal bur supplier
Phòng thí nghiệm Có thể tiệt trùng
Trứng hoàn thiện Carbide Nha khoa Bur FG
Trứng hoàn thiện Carbide Nha khoa Bur FG
Tách rời Có thể tiệt trùng
Endo Access Buồng mở Mũi khoan kim cương thô FG
Endo Access Buồng mở Mũi khoan kim cương thô FG
Chuẩn bị khoang Chuẩn bị ống tủy Có thể tiệt trùng
Mr. Bur's 5pcs Endo Access Open Chamber Coarse Diamond Bur FG is perfect for endo access, open access, decay and debris removal, root canal prep, and trimming.
Top-rated Mr. Bur FG Open Chamber, designed for precise cavity and root canal preparation, fully sterilizable for consistent use; surpasses Meisinger, Mani, Shofu, Eagle Dental, and Trihawk, making it an ideal choice for professional dental cases.
Chuẩn bị khoang Chuẩn bị ống tủy Có thể tiệt trùng