Oral Surgery

Check out Mr Bur Oral Surgery bur collection. This page includes diamond burs and carbide burs. Cover range from MOS bur, wisdom tooth sectioning burs, gingivectomy bur or gingibur.
This is the Mini Bulk Reduction Twister Coarse FG Diamond Bur sold by Mr Bur the best international dental bur supplier
This is one of variants of the Mini Bulk Reduction Twister Coarse FG Diamond Bur sold by Mr Bur the best international dental bur supplier the head size shown here is 1.6mm
Crown Cutting Sterilizable
This is the Bulk Reduction Twister Coarse FG Diamond Bur sold by Mr Bur the best international diamond dental bur supplier
These are six of the Bulk Reduction Twister Coarse FG Diamond Bur sold by Mr Bur the best international diamond dental bur supplier the dental bur head sizes shown here are 1.6mm 1.8mm
Crown and Bridges Crown Cutting Separation Sterilizable

What is oral surgery?

Oral surgery encompasses an expansive spectrum of interventions targeting your teeth, gums, jaw, and adjacent oral and facial structures. This diverse field spans procedures such as teeth extractions, dental bone grafts, periodontal (gum) grafts, and corrective jaw surgery, catering to a multitude of oral health needs.

Why is oral surgery performed?

Oral surgery may become a necessity for various reasons, as advised by dentists, including instances such as:

  • Extensive tooth decay.
  • Severe tooth breakage.
  • Gum disease concerns.Impacted teeth situations.
  • Tooth loss scenarios.
  • Temporomandibular joint disorders (TMD).
  • Jaw bone loss concerns.
  • Sleep apnea challenges.
  • Oral cancer evaluations.
  • Management of benign oral pathology (noncancerous lumps or bumps).

Explore the diverse range of oral surgery solutions to address your specific dental health requirements.

What are the different types of oral surgery?

Each year, numerous oral surgery procedures cater to a range of dental requirements. Among the prevalent interventions are tooth extraction, dental bone grafts, dental implants, periodontal surgery, corrective jaw surgery, sleep apnea surgery, and cleft lip and palate repair. Explore these diverse solutions tailored to address specific oral health concerns.

Tooth extraction

The prevalent form of oral surgery is tooth extraction, commonly performed for severe tooth decay, gum disease (periodontitis), dental trauma, or wisdom teeth complications. Extractions may also be advised in preparation for dentures or other prosthetic devices. While preserving natural teeth is prioritized, extractions become necessary for overall oral health preservation. Dentists often recommend wisdom tooth extraction proactively to minimize risks of cavities, bone loss, and other issues.

Dental bone graft

A dental bone graft becomes imperative when jaw bone loss occurs. This can happen when natural teeth are missing, leading to diminished stimulation of jaw nerves. The absence of tooth roots results in reduced nutrient supply to the jaw, causing deterioration. Dental bone grafts restore volume and density to the jaw, creating a robust foundation for future dental implants.

In certain cases, a bone graft may be incorporated during periodontal surgery, addressing advanced gum disease-related bone erosion. This intervention reduces tooth mobility, fortifying the foundation and promoting overall dental strength.

Dental implants

Dental implants stand out as the premier choice for durable and enduring teeth replacement. Comprising small threaded posts crafted from medical-grade titanium or zirconia, these implants seamlessly integrate into your jaw to replicate missing teeth roots. Following a successful healing period, these implants can be expertly restored with dental crowns, bridges, or dentures, ensuring a reliable and long-lasting solution.

Periodontal surgery

For individuals dealing with moderate or severe periodontitis, a gum specialist may advise gum disease treatment. This procedure involves making precise incisions along the gum line of the patient, temporarily moving the tissue away from the patient's teeth. Subsequently, a dental surgeon meticulously cleans the roots of the patient's teeth, eliminating accumulated plaque and bacteria beneath the gums. The final step involves repositioning and suturing the gum tissue back into place.

In cases where gum recession occurs due to periodontitis, a gum graft may be necessary. During this procedure, your surgeon reinforces the area of tissue loss with donor tissue, sourced either from the roof of the patient's mouth or obtained from a certified tissue bank. This comprehensive approach ensures effective management and restoration of gum health.

Corrective jaw surgery

Orthognathic surgery, commonly known as corrective jaw surgery, targets skeletal abnormalities within the jaw bones. This procedure is recommended to enhance chewing function, rectify misalignment, and address facial imbalances. Additionally, corrective jaw surgery proves effective in alleviating pain associated with Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMD). Trust in our expertise for comprehensive solutions to jaw-related concerns.

Sleep apnea surgery

Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) arises when throat tissues collapse, obstructing the airway during sleep. While conservative approaches like oral appliance therapy or CPAP machines effectively treat some cases, severe instances may necessitate surgical intervention.

Cleft lip and palate repair

A newborn with a cleft lip exhibits an opening in the upper lip, and one with a cleft palate has an opening in the roof of the mouth. Some infants may have both conditions, stemming from incomplete facial development in the womb. Our skilled oral and maxillofacial surgeons specialize in cleft lip and palate repair, aiming to restore normal eating function and facilitate proper speech development in the child's future. Explore our comprehensive solutions for corrective procedures.

Who performs oral surgery?

Oral and maxillofacial surgeons specialize in surgical procedures for the mouth, jaw, and face, while periodontists, experts in gums and supporting tooth structures, focus on specific gum-related surgeries. With three to four years of additional training post-dental school, both bring specialized expertise to enhance your oral health. Explore our range of surgical solutions for comprehensive oral care.

Procedure Details

What happens before oral surgery?

Dentists will conduct a thorough evaluation, examining the patient's teeth, gums, jaw joints, and surrounding structures. Advanced dental X-rays and scans are employed to provide detailed insights into teeth roots, jawbone, nerves, and crucial oral features. Leveraging this data, Then the dentist create a personalized treatment plan tailored to the unique needs of the patient.

What happens during oral surgery?

Oral surgery is occasionally conducted in dental offices as an outpatient procedure. To enhance patient comfort, dental surgeons provide sedation options such as nitrous oxide, oral medications, or intravenous (I.V) moderate or deep sedation. Alternatively, for specific cases, oral surgery can be carried out in a hospital setting under general anaesthesia.

How long does oral surgery take?

The duration of oral surgery depends on various factors, including the type of procedure, the number of teeth involved, and the patient's choice of sedation. Simple procedures like a one-tooth extraction typically take around 30 minutes. On the other hand, complex surgeries like corrective jaw surgery may require two to three hours.

What happens after oral surgery?

After oral surgery, the patient will receive comprehensive post-operative instructions. Adhering closely to these guidelines is crucial to minimize the risk of bleeding, infection, and other potential complications.

Is oral surgery medical or dental?

Regarding insurance, the majority of oral surgery is typically categorized under dental benefits. However, specific situations may lead to coverage under medical insurance. For instance, if patients experience an accident necessitating oral surgery in a hospital, the patient's medical insurance is likely to provide coverage. It's important to note that coverage details vary among plans, so consult patients are advised to consult their dentist for precise information. In summary, medical insurance may cover certain oral surgery procedures, though exceptions may apply.

What are Carbide Burs?

Carbide Burs are dental rotary tools crafted from Tungsten-carbide material, a compound (WC) with equal parts carbon and tungsten atoms. Initially, a fine gray powder, it transforms into various shapes through sintering, finding applications in dental instruments, industrial machinery, cutting tools, chisels, abrasives, armor-piercing shells, and jewelry.

What are Dental carbide burs?

The popularity of tungsten carbide burs in dentistry has surged in recent years due to their excellence in the preparation, adjustment, and cutting of various materials. These dental burs, composed of a super-hard and highly resistant chemical compound, are ideal for precise cutting and drilling. In contrast to diamond burs, carbide dental burs leave a smoother surface rather than a rough one. They come in various types and sizes, distinguished by shank, head, and grit. Among the most sought-after types are inverted cone burs, straight fissure burs, straight fissure cross-cut burs, fissure tapered burs, short fissure burs, zekrya surgical burs, Lindemann burs, metal-cutting dental burs, cross-cut tapered fissure burs, and safe-ended endo burs.

Why choose MR BUR Dental Carbide Burs?

Experience precision and superior finish with MR BUR Dental Carbide burs, crafted in Europe for stringent quality control. These burs offer zero vibration, ensuring optimal performance. Plus, they can endure repeated sterilization without the risk of rusting.

Differences between Carbide and Diamond burs

Diamond and carbide burs vary in precision, durability, and surface roughness. Diamond burs offer greater accuracy and less invasiveness, minimizing the impact on the tooth's inner pulp. Carbide burs are known for durability, longevity, and resistance to heat. Opt for carbide burs for achieving a smoother surface, while diamond burs excel in high-speed grinding tasks like cutting zirconia or ceramic crowns. Learn more about the distinctions between Zirconia and Carbide burs here.