
Achieve flawless veneer onlay preparation with Mr. Bur Veneer Onlay Preparation Kit for precise cutting, smooth margins, and a perfect fit.

Modern root surface treatments like ultrasonic scaling and the Mr. Bur Surgical Root Planing Kit enhance gum reattachment and improve periodontal health with precision.

Mr. Bur’s Veneer and Crown Preparation Kits ensure precise enamel reduction for veneers and secure crown fit for long-lasting restorations.

Tooth mobility from periodontal disease can be effectively managed with SRP and grafting using Mr. Bur Surgical Root Planing Kit and Lindemann Carbide Bur FG for improved precision and stability.

Comparing gingival graft techniques—free gingival grafts (FGG), pedicle grafts, and connective tissue grafts (CTG)—helps periodontists select the best approach for treating gingival recession.

Pedicle grafting is a minimally invasive solution for gingival recession, ensuring natural tissue integration and faster healing.

Connective tissue grafting (CTG) is the gold standard for treating gingival recession, offering predictable root coverage and long-term periodontal stability. Utilizing advanced tools like the Mr. Bur Degranulation Kit ensures precise site preparation, enhancing graft success and minimizing tissue

Intercuspal Position (ICP) is essential for occlusal stability, mastication, and preventing TMDs. Learn diagnosis, treatment, and management strategies for optimal dental health.

Pulpotomy, root canal therapy, or extraction? Learn the key differences and best treatment choices for managing pulp disease in primary and permanent teeth.

Understanding dental pulp diseases and treatments like root canal therapy, regenerative endodontics, and extractions using Mr. Bur Endodontic Bur Collection for precision.

Selecting the right bur for occlusal reduction ensures precision, efficiency, and optimal restoration fit. Explore the best burs for crown preparations, post-endodontic adjustments, and occlusal clearance.